How to Close the Month Way Faster

how to close the month faster

Monthly close is one of finance teams’ greatest pains — but it doesn’t have to be. 

Mesh Payments’ latest webinar, How to Close the Month Way Faster, explores how automation can help your finance team speed up monthly close and focus on tasks that improve the financial intelligence of your business.

How does automation speed up monthly close?

With the help of automation and a few simple process adjustments, your team can make its way to the top — and keep employees a lot happier every month.

Automation can replace tedious, repetitive tasks like data entry, receipt matching, and accounts payable and receivable. This allows your finance team to focus more on financial intelligence tasks like analysis, reporting and forecasting — empowering your team to remain nimble, even when economic conditions change.

What is covered in the webinar?

This webinar, hosted by Mesh CFO Anna King and Mesh Head of Content Aja Butler George, walks you through:

  • The traditional monthly close process
  • The biggest time wasters and horror stories from the traditional process
  • How automation speed up monthly close 
  • Tasks that automation can replace
  • Benefits of accounting automation
  • Q & A from the audience… and more.

Identify the issues currently slowing down your monthly close process, and use our expert advice on how to eliminate the time wasters and embrace automation.

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