Take Control of Reimbursements - Even Before they Happen

With Mesh, you can reimburse from existing and 
pre-approved budgets, helping you take control of the reimbursement process before expenses are made.
reimburse from existing and pre-approved budgets
reimburse from existing and pre-approved budgets
reimburse from existing and pre-approved budgets

Trusted by Leading Finance Teams

  • Group 68239
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  • Varonis_Logo_Black 1 (2)
  • Group 95384
  • Group 95268
  • Clip path group (1)
  • Frame 95270
  • artlist_c
  • accessibe_b
  • AI21_b
  • Group 4527
  • Group-1
  • logo-monochrome
  • nayax

Reimbursements and Expenses - All Under One Budget

It doesn’t matter how employees pay – with a card or cash. Approve a budget once and employees can spend the way that’s convenient for them.

Reimbursements and Expenses
Faster Reimbursements and Automatic Approvals
Faster Reimbursements and Automatic Approvals

Faster Reimbursements and Automatic Approvals

With Mesh, approving reimbursements only takes one click. Reimbursements that meet the criteria you set can be automatically approved.

Total Control Over Budgets

Budgets, limits, and other controls are set in advance so it’s easy to ensure that reimbursements stay on policy and under budget.

Total Control Over Budgets
Sync Reimbursements Automatically to Your ERP

Sync Reimbursements Automatically to Your ERP

With reimbursements integrated alongside all your company spending, reconciling your data to your ERP only takes a click of a button.

A Completely Free Reimbursements and Spend Management Solution

Why pay for a separate reimbursement solution when Mesh is completely free to use and provides cash back on every payment made with the platform.

24/7 Support
24/7 Support

24/7 Support You Can Count On

Mesh delivers the help you need, when you need it. Our industry-leading support and real-time monitoring of expenses keeps your business running smoothly.

Get Your Reimbursements Under Control