One place for all your worldwide spend. Hold balances in local currencies for payment cards and reimbursements and get custom workflows for your global enterprise.
Save money and remove friction from finance processes by operating locally – from holding balances to making payments to funding reimbursements all while automatically syncing with your local ERP.
Global operations at a glance. Take control of your spending across multiple entities around the world in one unified dashboard.
With Mesh, we are able to eliminate all our manual and time-consuming processes around international subsidiary spend management and focus on our strategic finance operations.
Yuval Levinson
VP Finance
Mesh provides custom solutions for every kind of payment, everywhere you operate, and in the currency you need. Get insights, controls, and workflows to optimize your spend.
Boost productivity across international entities with one dashboard to manage subsidiary-level workflows, task-automation, receipt collection & matching, categorization, and reconciliation. Sync to local instances of your ERP and GL automatically to keep finance teams productive.
Create custom workflows for each entity, accelerating repetitive tasks.
Automatic controls on spending across entities according to local policies.
One, global platform to manage spending with built-in support for local regulations.
Mesh provides best-in-class 24/7 support for your business, anywhere in the world.
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